The Elements of Songwriting


A song has its basic elements. Although nowadays popularity can be a measure of how well a song is written, there are actually other factors that contribute to a song’s success. Here are some elements important in a song and if you are an aspiring songwriter, you can learn from these tips. Who knows, you might even become a great songwriter and win in a songwriting contest.

The melody is important because it is the actual tune of the song. It is the one that you sing. If you write a catchy melody your song can become a possible hit. You should make a melody that can be remembered by people.

The chords are the ones you play in your instrument to accompany the song’s melody. And it gives you the rhythm of the song. The melody is accompanied by a chord progression, or the order in which you play your chords.

What makes people feel the song that you have created is the beat and the rhythm. It can be fast or slow, and it is also known as the song’s tempo. The beat draws people to a song and it stirs people’s emotions. Rhythm is the beat that all the musical instruments create in a song.

Songs can be written in different genre. It can be rock, pop, country, R & B, and others. The genre is determined by the beat and rhythm of the song. Styles also vary with the words and the instruments. Different genre can be played with different styles.

A songwriter usually has a theme or a storyline for a song. The words of the music convey that story that the songwriter wants to tell to his audience. The lyrics are the actual words that the songwriter uses in his song. And the main theme of the song is usually the title that the songwriter gives.

People will get hooked to your song if there is something in it that they simply can’t get out of their heads. It sticks to the thought process even if you are not thinking about it. Great songs have these hooks. It can be the lyrics, perhaps the refrain, the unique beat, or whatever it is that gets people not only to remember your song, but to stick to their heads.

Songs have divisions. They can be divided into stanzas, chorus, bridge, verse, maybe start with an intro, etc. These divisions have their own measures or count like beats. A division can be short of long.

The musical arrangement is how the instruments are organized in a song, plus the vocals and other parts that make up the music. It is the arrangement that gives the song its full glory when every aspect plays the music as one. All these would be helpful if you ever decide to enter the contest at .

For more information on songwriting, please visit .

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